The Art of Vedic Astrology

Jyotish The Art of Vedic Alchemy

Jyotish The Art of Vedic Astrology by Andrew Mason, with foreword by James Braha. An authoritative primer to Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology, this book draws on the author's extensive study of the tradition, explaining in detail the practical applications of Jyotish, its planets, signs and houses, as well as the many rich and highly entertaining mythologies of the system. This book also addresses Vedic Astrology's sister sciences, Ayurveda and Rasa Shastra. Any questions prior to purchasing, please contact: info@neterapublishing.com

ISBN-13: 978-1848192102
Format: paperback
Extent: 374pp
Illustrations: 134 b/w
Size: 230mm x 152mm / 9in x 6in

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