The Undertaker - This is my Yard [Sport]

2005-09-16 22:06:05


 Polski opis

"This is my Yard" to pozycja którą powinien obejrzeć każdy fan wrestlingu. Przyjrzymy się karierze Undertaker'a od jego początków w WCW, do obecnej postaci Deadman'a.
Zobaczymy najbardziej klasyczne potyczki, z Kane'm, Hulkiem Hoganem, HBK'em i STone Cold'em. Są to jednak jedne z wielu jakie w swojej karierze miał Taker. NIe zobaczymy jednak potyczek z Bret'em Hart'em, Yokozuną czy fałszywym Undertakerem.

 English description

WWF Undertaker – This is my Yard is a classic DVD and a must-see for any wrestling fan. The video charts the career of wrestling legend from his humble beginning in WCW to his latest Deadman incarnation in the WWE.
We'll all of the Taker’s classic feuds added with sound-bites from the Phenom himself giving the viewer an inside track on his career and revealing what makes the former champion tick. The video is fairly well-detailed but not fully comprehensive as it mentions some of The Undertaker's biggest feuds, including scrapes with Kane, Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold Steve Austin. However, the video glosses over some huge feuds earlier in his career such as classic battles with the likes of Bret Hart and the ‘fake’ Undertaker.

Codec: MPEG
Resolution: 352*288
Bitrate: 1150 Kbps
Frame Rate: 25.0 fps

Codec: 0x51 = Mpeg-1 audio Layer 2 [0xc0]
Bitrate: 224 Kbps
Frequency Sample: 44100 Hz

[RUNTIME] 0:54:07