Upgrading to PHP 5 - Adam Trachtenberg [EN] [Książki]

2006-06-24 15:49:10


 Polski opis

Przewodnik po najnowszej wersji najpopularniejszego języka do tworzenia dynamicznych witryn WWW

Książka "PHP 5. Nowe możliwości" to opis wszystkich funkcji, które dodano do najnowszej wersji języka PHP. Jest adresowana do programistów korzystających z PHP 4, którzy chcą poznać nowe narzędzia wprowadzone w wersji 5. Każdy nowy mechanizm jest przedstawiony w postaci przykładu. Książka zawiera także porównanie sposobów realizacji typowych zadań programistycznych za pomocą języków PHP 4 i PHP 5, co ułatwia migrację do nowej wersji.

* Zasady programowania obiektowego
* Współpraca z bazą danych MySQL
* Środowisko SQLite
* Mechanizmy obsługi języka XML
* Obsługa błędów za pomocą wyjątków
* Korzystanie z mechanizmów SOAP


 English description

This book is targeted toward PHP developers who are already familiar with PHP 4. Upgrading to PHP 5 offers a concise appraisal of the differences between PHP 4 and PHP 5, a detailed look at what's new in this latest version, and an explanation of how these changes affect you. The book also covers more advanced features and provides hands-on experienced through short, sample programs included throughout.

If you're using PHP 4, then chances are good that an upgrade to PHP 5 is in your future. The more you've heard about the exciting new features in PHP 5, the sooner that upgrade is probably going to be. Although an in-depth, soup-to-nuts reference guide to the language is good to have on hand, it's not the book an experienced PHP programmer needs to get started with the latest release. What you need is a lean and focused guide that answers your most pressing questions: what's new with the technology, what's different, and how do I make the best use of it? In other words, you need a copy of Upgrading to PHP 5.

This book is targeted toward PHP developers who are already familiar with PHP 4. Rather than serve as a definitive guide to the entire language, the book zeroes in on PHP 5's new features, and covers these features definitively. You'll find a concise appraisal of the differences between PHP 4 and PHP 5, a detailed look at what's new in this latest version, and you'll see how PHP 5 improves on PHP 4 code. See PHP 4 and PHP 5 code side-by-side, to learn how the new features make it easier to solve common PHP problems. Each new feature is shown in code, helping you understand why it's there, when to use it, and how it's better than PHP 4. Short, sample programs are included throughout the book.

Topics covered in Upgrading to PHP 5 include:

* The new set of robust object-oriented programming features
* An improved MySQL extension, supporting MySQL 4.1, prepared statements, and bound parameters
* Completely rewritten support for XML: DOM, XSLT, SAX, and SimpleXML
* Easy web services with SOAP
* SQLite, an embedded database library bundled with PHP 5
* Cleaner error handling with exceptions
* Other new language features, such as iterators, streams, and more.

Upgrading to PHP 5 won't make you wade through information you've covered before. Written by Adam Trachtenberg, coauthor of the popular PHP Cookbook, this book will take you straight into the heart of all that's new in PHP 5. By the time you've finished, you'll know PHP 5 in practice as well as in theory.
