Midnight Clear, A - W Księżycową Jasną Noc (1992) *WS* *1CD* [Filmy zagraniczne *HQ*]

2006-03-02 20:37:36


 Polski opis

Wojna, widziana oczyma młodych ludzi, którzy wcale nie chcą walczyć, a marzeniem ich jest szczęśliwy powrót do domu. Śnieżną zimową porą pluton zwiadowczy otrzymuje zadanie przejęcia dworku i zorientowania się w panującej tam sytuacji. Okazuje się, iż w pobliskim domu znajdują się żołnierze niemieccy, którzy także z utęsknieniem oczekują dnia zakończenia wojny. Pozornie wrogie siły decydują się na pewien układ. (

Gatunek: Dramat wojenny
Język: Angielski
Rok produkcji: 1992
Czas trwania: 107 min.

Reżyseria: Keith Gordon
Scenariusz: Keith Gordon
Muzyka: Mark Isham
Scenografia: Janis Lubin

David Jensen (I): Sergeant Hunt
Larry Joshua: Lt. Ware
Curt Lowens: starszy niemiecki żołnierz
Rachel Griffin (I): Janice
Timothy S. Shoemaker: Eddie
John C. McGinley: Major Griffin
Frank Whaley: Paul 'Father' Mundy
Arye Gross: Stan Shutzer
Kevin Dillon (I): Mel Avakian
Peter Berg (I): Bud Miller
Ethan Hawke: Will Knott
Gary Sinise: Vance 'Mother' Wilkins

 English description

An under-strength US Army squad finds some strange goings-on in the Ardennes just before the Battle of the Bulge.Saving Private Ryan is the epitome of the ultra-realistic war film. Another style is the allegorical WWII film exemplified by Castle Keep, Slaughter House Five, and A Midnight Clear.My reaction to this one is mixed, but positive overall. This movie has its heart in the right place. It's faithful to William Wharton's book, but Keith Gordon did too good a job of distilling the novel down -- where the book was a little long, the film is a little short. The performances are right, but the characterizations are weak. The book's punch is still here, but we only get a little of its flavour. The novel is stronger on symbolism, and the eerieness of its mystery plot is only suggested faintly in the film.To someone unfamiliar with the book, the movie's greatest weakness probably lies in trying to present the squad members as battle-hardened veterans. The response to that criticism is "It's not that kinda movie."I think William Wharton was inspired to create a scenario expanded from a famous incident of the First World War. I think that he had a good idea. More important, I think you'll find it here. (

Genre: War Drama
Language: English
Country: USA
Year: 1992
Runtime: 107 min.

Directed by: Keith Gordon
Written by: Keith Gordon
Original music by: Mark Isham
Set decoration by: Janis Lubin

Peter Berg: Bud Miller
Kevin Dillon: Mel Avakian
Arye Gross: Stan Shutzer
Ethan Hawke: Will Knott
Gary Sinise: Vance 'Mother' Wilkins
Frank Whaley: Paul (Father) Mundy
John C. McGinley: Major Griffin
Larry Joshua: Lt. Ware
David Jensen: Sergeant Hunt
Curt Lowens: Older German Soldier
Rachel Griffin: Janice
Timothy S. Shoemaker: Eddie (as Tim Shoemaker)
Kelly Gately: Young German
Bill Osborn: American Sentry
Andre Lamal: German

Codec: XViD MPEG-4
Resolution: 592x320
Bitrate: 778kb/s
Frame Rate: 23.976 FPS

Codec: Lame MP3
Bitrate: 127 kb/s (2 ch)
Frequency Sample: 44100 Hz

Runtime: 01:48:11