The highest point (in price, in market capitalization) that a cryptocurrency has been in history.
All-time high which is also known as “record high” is the highest price level that a commodity, asset, security or index reaches during trading.
All-time high, as per cryptocurrency refers to the highest price point or in terms of the market capitalisation that a particular cryptocurrency reaches.
Understanding all-time High
All-time high which is shortened for ATH is measured from when the asset, commodity etc starts trading and gets updated every time the last high record is surpassed.
For example-: A share of an ABC exchange comes into trade and initially starts with $10 but then eventually gains popularity and gets traded at as high as $50 before falling at $20. This $50 mark will be known as the all-time high.
All-time high in the cryptocurrency market or even in the traditional market accounts as special news for the investors. With the record high trade of an asset or commodity, investors might be tempted to buy them, considering that the price will not fall.
Whereas some investors with contrarian strategies may see the all-time high records as an opportunity for shorts as he believes that the price will fall. But usually, most of the investors sell out their shares because they think that such highs are unnatural and the price is about to fall.
Price increases don’t always go up in a straight line, is one mantra that every investor needs to follow.
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