OPI License
Free software/game licence conceived for DAOs, acting like public-domain but with security restrictions.
Characteristics (not updated)
- Community-domain (a securely restricted variant of public-domain)
- Post-Meritocracy Manifesto compliant
- Non-commercial purpose, unless it is donation-ware or physically distributed
- Prevents forks to be created for evil behaviour
- Incentives free/libre, transparency and fairness focus/purpose
- Hybrid warranty disclaimer
Rules for its software (not updated)
- Can't be made closed-source
- Can't include closed-source
- Can't be sold, unless if donation-ware or physically distributed
- If donation-ware, need to accept a minimum $25 if one-time payment, minimum $1 if monthly and/or minimum $12 if annual - any of these values can be lower - for activating its premium features
- As previous case, any pro/premium features need to be open-source
- Any downloaded resource from the software need to be open-source
- Any in-app updates (and the ones on app/software stores, when applicable) should describe what is being removed/added/modified, provide the source-code of the update, its hash/signatures/checksums and option to build it with one click
- For any contributor that provides significant changes, require to register its agreement with this license
- "Copyright" notice and permission notice shall be included in the software
- Disclaimer need to be included in software
This is a open-source and accessible license, so you're welcome to open a issue (with criticism/suggestions) and open pull requests with improvements.
Please follow our Code of Conduct before interacting or contributing.
To do
Update the "Rules for its software" with recent updates
Commit signing waiver (for Contributor License Agreement)
Contributor's credit file, about devleds
Possible new uses
Any kind of content (sites, articles, books, musics, images, videos)
Related links
Create DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) with Aragon
2019 OPI License by Open Planet Initiative.