Instant Physics

Instant Physics
Author Tony Rothman
Country United States
Language English
Subject Mathematics, physics
Published 1995 (Ballentine/Fawcett)
Pages 242
ISBN 9780449906972
OCLC 32103203

Instant Physics (full title: Instant Physics: From Aristotle to Einstein, and Beyond) is a book by Tony Rothman first published by Fawcett Columbine in 1995. The book, meant for readers with a minimal amount of mathematical training, consists of ten chapters that cover most of the essential topics in physics, from classical mechanics and thermodynamics to nuclear physics, general relativity, and quantum mechanics.[1] It has proven very popular with the public and as of 2007 remains in print.


  1. Rothman, Tony (1995). Instant Physics: From Aristotle to Einstein, and Beyond. New York: Ballentine/Fawcett. ISBN 9780449906972. OCLC 32103203.

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