
Antiblavers is an internet project that intends to fight in a scientific and serious way against Blaverism.

History and evolution

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At the end of 2004 a group of people around the Valencian Community was very concerned about the fact that there were many Blaverist websites, such as, or Moreover, these websites were very aggressive and offered a biased point of view. So they had the aim of creating a serious and scientific tool in order to fight against Blaverism. This is the way that was born in May 2005. In the beginning the website offered only information, with a part of research materials and a gallery of images. During its first year it achieved 35,000 visits.[1] After some time, in August 2006, a forum was added.[2]

One of the most important milestones of the website during its first years was the gathering of old and modern evidences of the flag with four red stripes in Valencian territory. This way in February 2010 there were already 2100 evidences that had been gathered.[3]

At the end of 2010 the website creators suffered an outrageous attack campaign that was made by the Blaverists, who were very upset by the task of telling the historical truth and of fighting them that this website was doing. It caused the division of the project into two websites:

It is very probable that the administrators' personal data were gotten from the whois of the original website, and thus the whois of both websites was changed. Together with the division of the original project into these two websites, in the main website the content of the gallery of images was rebuilt a bit, since the content of the evidences of the coat of arms of the Crown of Aragon in the Valencian country was divided according to thematic areas.

Content structure

The contents of the main website are organized in the following way:

Once this historical vision is shown, the role of some groups and institucions and groups, that have collaborated actively or passively during various moments with Blaverism, is mentioned:

The phenomenon of the Blaverist violence is carefully studied. Data, images of the gallery and specially an important dossier[4] (that covers the years 1971-2015) are offered.

Finally, there are all kind of additional materials, both written and audiovisual.

It is important to point out that two important foreign professors collaborate with this project: the French Franck Martin, from the University of Saint-Étienne and the German Hans-Ingo Radatz, from the University Otto-Friedrich of Bamberg. Several works of both about Blaverism are offered. Prof. Martin studies the sociological point of view of the Blaverist phenomenon, whereas prof. Radatz studies its linguistic aspects. Their works are offered in its original language (French in the case of prof. Martin and German in the case of prof. Radatz), with translations into Catalan, Spanish and English.

Structure of the gallery of images

The gallery of images has the following structure:

Evidences of the four-striped flag in the Valencian Country

As of October 2016 there were already 2798 evidences. They are divided into the following thematic areas:


Images about the origins of the Valencian people, with a special regard to the two founding nations of the Crown of Aragon: Catalonia and Aragon.


Several graphics about the Valencian territory and its history.


Photographs about the Spanish Transition in the Valencian Country.


Set of images about the Blaverist terrorism and violence.


Photos and information about Blaverist and non-Blaverist people.


PDF documents about Blaverism. Several issues in PDF of the magazine Valencia Semanal are offered.

Digital books

There are several books in PDF. Most of them are the ones that have rebutted Blaverism, but there are some of them with historical Blaverist texts, such as Josep Maria Bayarri's El perill català (The Catalan Danger). The following ones must be pointed out:

Francesc Eiximenis

The complete works and all kind of information about Francesc Eiximenis (Catalan writer in Catalan and Latin from the 14th century, who wrote most of his works in Valencia) are offered.


  1. News in Levante-EMV (Spanish).
  2. News in Racó català (Catalan).
  3. News in Racó català (Catalan).
  4. This is the Catalan version (Catalan). There is also an Spanish version (Spanish)

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 11/19/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.