Distributed pubsub primitives for js-ipfs in the Browser

Distributed pubsub primitives for js-ipfs in the Browser

IPFS pubsub was first introduced in September 2016 behind an experimental flag. This initial implementation allowed orbit (opens new window), a chat application built on top of IPFS, to become fully distributed. @haadcode (opens new window) presented that work at DEVCON2 (opens new window). Later, the IPFS team announced that pubsub (opens new window) was ready for the whole community to use.

In this post I'll show you how to use pubsub with the JavaScript implementation of IPFS (opens new window). I start by using the pubsub primitives available in js-ipfs and end with a new module plus video tutorial (opens new window) of how to use it. Make sure to read to the end!

# Using pubsub on js-ipfs

IPFS is not just a filesystem. It's a complete stack for decentralized applications. With pubsub, an IPFS node can show interest in a topic (a string representing a pubsub channel) and is able to listen and send messages on that topic in a way that is decentralized -- it does not rely on any mediating server or special node.

With js-ipfs (opens new window), this code works today in any modern browser. By instantiating an IPFS node in JavaScript and activating the pubsub feature, you can send and receive messages between nodes.

Here we include the js-ipfs (opens new window) library (which you need to have previously installed) and created an IPFS that has the experimental pubsub feature enabled:

const IPFS = require('ipfs')

// create IPFS node
const ipfs = new IPFS({
    pubsub: true, // required, enables pubsub

ipfs.once('ready', () => {
  // node is ready

Now we're ready to receive messages on a topic:

ipfs.pubsub.subscribe('topic-name-here', (message) => {
  console.log('got message from ' + message.from)

  // data is a buffer. Here we're converting it into a string

  const data = message.data.toString()
  console.log('containing data: ' + data)

And we can also send messages:

// data should be a buffer
const data = Buffer.from('some message content here')

ipfs.pubsub.publish('topic-name-here', data, (err) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('error publishing: ', err)
  } else {
    console.log('successfully published message')

Even though the js-IPFS pubsub API (opens new window) is very simple to use, you will need some additional functionality for most uses. If you want to be able to deal with strings, send private messages to a specific peer and be notified of subscription changes (nodes that are interested in the topic), take a look at the ipfs-pubsub-room package.

# Enter ipfs-pubsub-room

ipfs-pubsub-room (opens new window) is a room-oriented take on the pubsub API for IPFS. It's being built in the ipfs-shipyard (opens new window). See the full tutorial below:

Happy decentralized messaging! 🎉